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The unseen costs of Tesco's milk cutbacks: A threat to smaller dairies as mega-farms expand
Do chickens deserve better?
Measuring and valuing: Animal welfare
Voices of the Fir Farm Conference
The kindness of butchers - why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving. Pt III
Film review: Cow
The kindness of butchers – why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving (Pt II)
ORFC: A local meat supply chain – issues raised and hopes dashed
Talking giblets: Animal welfare and the Christmas turkey
The kindness of butchers – why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving (Pt I)
Improving animal welfare in transport
Leading in animal welfare?
One welfare and Covid-19
SFT response to call for evidence on livestock transportation
Demystifying halal
A tale of two chickens