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More extreme claims from George Monbiot: The Sustainable Food Trust responds
Voices of the Fir Farm Conference
Getting to the root of the climate issue – interview in Meat Management Magazine
Talking the regenerative talk: Nestlé’s latest commitments
Oases in the desert: The farmers regenerating the landscape in southern Spain
Book excerpt: Going to Seed, by Simon Fairlie
The 'Wall' and other barriers to food security
The kindness of butchers - why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving. Pt III
Let them graze! Keeping dairy cows on grass has multiple benefits
Paying a proper price for milk: What dairy cows deserve
Film review: Cow
Livestock and food security: A contested relationship
UK falls behind the EU on farm antibiotic standards
A small scale farmer’s take on ORFC
The kindness of butchers – why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving (Pt II)
ORFC: A local meat supply chain – issues raised and hopes dashed