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Book Review: Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production
Talking giblets: Animal welfare and the Christmas turkey
The kindness of butchers – why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving (Pt I)
Why the CCC should reconsider their approach to farming
What role for livestock in climate-friendly farming?
Fincastle: Sustainable hill farming is the future
The value of heritage breed meats
‘Defending Beef’: Can the presence of animals on farms make us better people?
Is it the cow or the how? Two opposing solutions for farming
Our place in the herd
Improving animal welfare in transport
Abattoir Sector Group launched to promote a thriving UK network of sustainable and local abattoirs
We need joined up thinking about local abattoirs
Is cutting the lifespan of livestock the way to cut carbon emissions?
Taking pride in hides and skins
Land, animals and leather: Piloting new plans for British leather