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ORFC: A local meat supply chain – issues raised and hopes dashed
Book Review: Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production
The kindness of butchers – why a small, farmer-owned abattoir in southern Germany is thriving (Pt I)
What role for livestock in climate-friendly farming?
The value of heritage breed meats
‘Defending Beef’: Can the presence of animals on farms make us better people?
Is it the cow or the how? Two opposing solutions for farming
Abattoir Sector Group launched to promote a thriving UK network of sustainable and local abattoirs
We need joined up thinking about local abattoirs
‘Clean meat’ is neither – we can and must do better
Adding balance to the meat debate
What about wool?
Mobile on-farm slaughter units in the US: The saviour of local meat production?
Claims against meat fail to consider bigger picture
Small abattoirs in local communities: One farmer’s perspective
Eating your values: Five questions to ask your butcher