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Unpaid work: A way in for new farmers or a barrier to positive change?
Rewilding: Threat or promise for hill farming?
Out of money and out of options: Upland farmers in England (part 1)
Bringing ‘agroecological intelligence’ to on-farm technology choices
“Bristol’s last working farm”: A farm for the future
Man vs machine: What can agriculture teach us about AI and the future of work?
Summer reading 2023: Book reviews
A game of chicken
Measuring and valuing: Farmers, workers and community
Reviews: Food and farming in film 2023
Reducing reoffending through growing, cooking and eating good food
The 'public libraries' of food: Participative co-operatives and the future of the supermarket
Food security - life is changing
Young people on the land: Views on creating a future in farming, growing and agroforestry
Achieving food security through land reform
Unwinding the norms of property is key to food systems sustainability